Galliant Trainings
The adventure of Self is a journey of discovery…
Galliant Trainings guides and facilitates individuals and organisations to CREATE what they would love. Creativity is a choice! Creativity is an orientation in life that grants you ultimate freedom and power. The Creative Orientation is about embracing the freedom to choose what you would love for your life and taking responsibility for what it means to create it.
You will be trained to connect with and to act from your INTUITION. Your intuition is a natural and innate ability — it is your inner knowing. That you have not learned how to recognise this fundamental quality within yourself, let alone how to develop and strengthen it, is not a sign of its absence.
The ability to create a life that is guided by your inner knowing is the foundation for a self-determined and self-fulfilled existence. A life of fulfilment and self-actualisation begins with CHOICE — the choice to be responsible for who and what you will be in life. Real growth and transformation start by letting go of what no longer serves you, connecting with your heart and opening up to life as possibility.
Life and creation emerge from the possibility of a moment — the possibility of imagining, the possibility of discovering, the possibility of allowing … the possibility of possibilities. If anything and everything is possible, and it is, what would emerge for you?
“You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration.”
Core Values
To enquire is to seek. It is to be open to new perspectives, new possibilities and new insights. There is always something new to learn about yourself, others and the world. That starts with a willingness to enquire.
The path to self-mastery starts with the choice to be responsible for who you are and what happens to you. Although conflated with a sense of duty and obligation, this word speaks naturally to our ability to respond.
The gift of life unfolds when you are in service — to something more than just you. Importantly and somewhat paradoxically, you cannot serve others if you do not also serve yourself. The foundation of service is Love.
The etymology of the word speaks to "a thing about to happen.” Life is a constant unfolding about to happen — the calling of your soul to journey into the unknown and to discover the unfolding of your heart’s treasure.
Nature is the greatest teacher. The more you understand nature (both outer and inner), the more you will be able to identify and move past perceived limitations and to leverage natural opportunities.
Transformation can feel like serious work. It doe not have to be. The best thing to do in life is to cultivate laughter and humour, first and foremost about yourself.
Our Founder
Taylor Roark
Taylor is committed to transformational change in the world by helping people bring their heart’s true expressions into the world through individuality and connectivity.
Taylor has worked with intuition for nearly 20 years — training with Maryann Madden, founder and director of The Inner Energy Centre in Brisbane, Australia.
He is an accredited coach and Lead Facilitator for all Natural Success trainings in UK and Europe. Natural Success was founded by international best-selling author William Whitecloud.
Prior to founding Galliant Trainings, Taylor worked as a commercial lawyer and consultant for nearly 20 years providing legal, commercial and strategic advice for corporate transactions and renewable energy projects around the world.
Taylor is an avid traveller, a keen cyclist, an amateur photographer, a weekend DJ and a Taoist at heart. He chooses to live life as a mythical adventure.
Image Credits
Men’s Photo, Home Page — Kimson Doan (Unsplash)
Banner Photo, Testimonials — Jason Rosewell (Unsplash)