The Adventures of Self


Join the Adventures

The Adventures of Self podcast was born from a vision of exploration.

The show featured conversations with ordinary and extraordinary people about the adventures of their lives ... as they explore what it means to be self-expressed in this world.

We released 56 episodes throughout 2021. And then my intuition told me, verly clearly and quite surprisingly, to stop!

What was clear was that the show had served its purpose and I was being called to let go of it and to create space to allow room for the next steps in my own adventure of Self…

The conversations were timeless and there is much gold in what we uncovered. I still get comments and appreciation from people who go back and listen.

Please explore our conversations to ignite your own Adventure!

All episodes are available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Radio, Amazon and other applications.

BONUS audio clip from the podcast!