You have no idea what you are truly capable of achieving!
I don’t say that to put you down. I offer it as an opportunity for you to dare to reach for your real potential. In my experience, people make assumptions of how things are or will be and then they unconsciously give away their power to those assumptions.
The assumptions that you make generally mean that you dilute and diminish your dreams or that you never start them at all. You may assume things like you:
Don’t have enough time, money or training;
Don’t know the right people or have the right education;
Don’t even know what you want;
Will fail and everyone will laugh at you; or
Will succeed and you will lose your family and friends.
These are ALL just assumptions and have nothing to do with what is real or, more important, what is possible!
You can’t see your own blind spots
Why do elite athletes have coaches?
Why do top executives and entrepreneurs employ coaches?
Do they need to learn to be better at what they do? These people are already at the top of their field! They may still have things to learn but that is NOT why these people have coaches.
If you watch or read accounts from the most creative and accomplished people throughout history (artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, inventors and world leaders), they will invariably admit that the biggest limitation to their success was themselves!
The reason that the most successful and talented people in the world use a coach is to help them see how their own assumed limitations are just assumptions and to guide them back to their greatness.
We facilitate Vision, Awareness and Structure
In the first instance, many people struggle to identify what they really want (in both personal and professional realms). This is often because they don’t believe they can have what they would truly love or they don’t know how to get it. We use Practices and Meditations that leverage INTUITION and STRUCTURES OF CONSCIOUSNESS to bypass the rational mindset so that you have clear insight and understanding into what truly inspires you in all areas of your life.
Even if you have an initial vision of what you want, you will almost certainly abandon or compromise that vision without someone who is dedicated to hold you to the greatness of your VISIONS and guide you through meaningful structures to create them.
High-level creating has a simple structure to it, based on AWARENESS. You need to know WHAT your Vision is — where you are going. And you need to know the truth of WHERE you are in relation to that Vision. It sounds simple, and it is. But it’s not necessarily easy.
Behavioural scientists who study mental functioning have demonstrated that up to 90% of your brain’s activity is UNCONSCIOUS. You may think that you are controlling your thoughts and decisions but, in fact, you are making decisions about your life based on definitions, assumptions and judgments that are deeply ingrained in your psyche.
The good news is that, when you become aware of what decisions you are making and WHY, you can harness that energy (and it is most definitely an energy) and focus it into your VISION.
Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” We show you HOW to make the unconscious conscious.
Most people are aware of the value of structure to bring about desired results — whether in business, health and fitness or interpersonal relationships. The vast majority of personal development coaches utilise some types of structure to support and assist clients to achieve their goals. That’s all well and good, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg for effecting meaningful and impactful change in your life.
Did you know that there is a structure to Consciousness and Creating? These structures are incredibly simple. In fact, the incredible power of these structures lies in their simplicity! You will be trained and guided in HOW to use the structures of Consciousness and Creating to create END RESULTS in your life that seem ever-elusive and beyond your wildest imagination.
“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”